Before making the commitment to a VPP or SHARP plan, decision makers within a plant operation need to consider the following questions:

  • Are the decision makers aware of the OSHA VPP and its significance?
  • Do supervisors support and engage in safety activities in the plant?
  • Is there a visible safety presence in the plant?
  • Do senior management staff have a presence on the floor and are they approachable with safety concerns?

Employers should also reach out to their employees in-person or conduct an anonymous short survey with the following probing questions, to get a grasp of the levels of employee safety participation and understanding:

  • Do you feel comfortable reporting a safety concern?
  • If there is a safety concern, is immediate action taken to address the situation?
  • Can you give a personal example of when this was done?
  • If a safety concern is expressed, are there any fears of recrimination or retribution taking place?
  • Are you aware of the safety committee and can you tell me of some of the activities the safety committee participates in?

fit for work podcast

Work Injury Prevention