Many businesses assume they are aware of all the options available to them to prevent injuries, but until recently, many were unaware of the significant impact an onsite Early Intervention program can have. In many cases, by the time an organization makes the decision to implement an Early Intervention program, they’ve repeatedly lost large amounts of time and revenue due to injuries and related costs. There are ways to get ahead of that result. Here are six signs your organization is in need of a strategic safety program that includes Early Intervention. Your employees work in physical and repetitive environments While the reality is that most work environments can benefit from early onsite intervention, those in which employees are performing physical and repetitive labor are at the greatest risk of injury – and will see the greatest benefit from such a program. Environments where workers are moving large amounts of inventory, performing repetitive manufacturing tasks, spending long hours on the road, or dealing with high-powered machinery are just a few of the many in need of a proactive musculoskeletal injury prevention strategy. Your workers are experiencing too many sprains and strains This indication should be fairly easy to pick up on and assess, but there are still many employers who fail to read the writing on the wall and take the steps necessary to correct these issues. If your employees are frequently coming to you and requesting time off and/or specific care due to sprains and strains, your business is in need of a program that will get ahead of those ailments and keep your workers comfortably and successfully on the job. You want to retain your employees Early Intervention helps retain employees in several ways. When employees are physically positioned for success in a safe environment that will allow them to perform effectively without suffering injury or taking time off, they are more likely to continue in that role. Taking the time to implement a safety program that leverages Early Intervention also indicates to your workforce that you are prioritizing their wellbeing and fosters a more positive culture across your organization. Early Intervention cares for your employees while letting them know they’re cared for. You are facing an aging workforce Older workers can provide exceptional value to our workforce and have special needs when it comes to safety . A musculoskeletal injury is obviously more expensive within this population. However, some of your greatest returns on investment will come from the aging worker. Why? In short, a little “grease” goes a long way. These folks have been doing their jobs this long for a reason – they didn’t self-select out. So while they are older, it doesn’t take much to improve their function and make a big difference in their wellbeing. You are experiencing new-hire injuries If new hires are consistently getting injured upon assuming their new role, there’s a high likelihood their position is not set up to prevent those injuries. Early Intervention will assess all of your roles across the board and take steps on a case-by-case basis to allow your workers both old and new to perform their job safely and effectively. There are also Training Camp solutions that work to functionally train the new employees to properly acclimate (physically, mentally, tactically) to the job so they enter the work atmosphere successfully.  You’d like to quit chasing injuries and start preventing them instead Many organizations believe they have an effective safety program in place, simply because they are able to respond to injuries as they occur, provide the level of care necessary to get their employees back on their feet and on the job, and accurately report and document it. However, reacting to injuries as they happen is not a solution to the problem. Early Intervention seeks to proactively get ahead of workplace injuries and to mitigate their root causes to prevent them from occurring in the first place. We focus on the three leading indicators to injury – early soreness, ergonomics, and behaviors – to deliver a strategy that is constantly shifting your environment in the direction of proactive prevention. Contact Fit For Work today to address these concerns within your organization and to implement a safety program designed to help you and your employees succeed.

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Work Injury Prevention