One of the most overlooked aspects of design in the work environment is the use of color. There are various reasons outside the realm of ergonomics, human factors, and psychology that can dictate colors within a workplace (company branding, personal preference, cost, etc). However, color selection is a very important consideration during the design phase of a workplace. Colors elicit different responses and emotions, which can be beneficial or detrimental in the workplace. Here are the responses and emotions elicited for each color: Red Increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate; associated with high energy and passion. Yellow Increases in mental activity/alertness; associated with happiness/joy and intellect. Orange Increases in creativity; combination of the energy of red and the intellect of yellow. Green Decreases in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate; calming and harmonious effect; exact opposite of red. Blue Associated with stability and loyalty. Purple Combination of effects associated with red and blue, along with wisdom; also associated with wealth and extravagance (royalty/nobility). White Formal and associated with perfection and cleanliness; also associated with faith and purity. Black Perhaps one of the most intriguing colors due to the emotions elicited; associated with strength, power, and authority, but also fear, grief, worry, anxiety, and panic.

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