Post-offer testing has significant benefits for both employers and employees, improving the overall hiring process and ensuring more successful hires in the long term. In most instances, employers rely on offsite clinics and specialists to conduct their tests, which naturally can cause delays and other issues that get in the way of those benefits.

Conducting your post-offer employee testing onsite eliminates those issues and creates a wealth of additional advantages for your organization. Here’s how.

What Is Post-offer Testing?

Post-offer testing is a system through which employees are offered a position and then asked to participate in a series of physical ability tests to determine if they’re capable of performing in their prospective role without a high likelihood of injury.

The main goal of post-offer testing is to help employers avoid hiring people who may get hurt on the job – and to help employees avoid accepting positions for which they aren’t physically qualified.

The Benefits of Post-offer Testing

Post-offer testing whether onsite or offsite serves to reduce turnover, injuries, and costs for businesses. Testing programs ensure employers are hiring and retaining employees who are capable of performing the physical demands of their job, which minimizes injury risks and associated costs.

Workers who are physically capable of performing in their role are also more likely to stay on board and enjoy a longer, more successful career with your organization. Employees who get injured are less fulfilled and more likely to move on to a new role. Testing works to keep that from happening.

The Added Benefits of Onsite Testing

Post-offer testing is a worthwhile system as it is, but once that process is moved onsite, the advantages are compounded in several key areas. The added benefits of onsite testing include:

Prompt Scheduling and Testing

It can take up to 48 hours to even schedule a post-offer test at an offsite clinic, as other patient appointments and countless random variables have to be accounted for. The dedicated in-house resources of onsite testing make both scheduling and testing candidates a relatively immediate process. Once the offer is made, testing is ready to take place and soon as possible.

Quicker Test Results

Fit For Work’s onsite testing process delivers results immediately. We provide real-time, accurate reporting – and timing is one key metric we can easily track to monitor the efficiency of our process, along with results by position, screening population demographics, and more.

Increased Testing Volume

Thanks to the dedicated and accelerated capabilities offered by onsite testing, a much larger quantity of tests is able to be performed on a daily basis as compared to offsite clinics. While offsite tests are waiting to be scheduled and dealing with delays during the testing processes themselves, onsite tests are taking place instantaneously and providing better results after the fact.

More Accurate Job Simulation

Because onsite tests take place within your unique environment, test simulations and physical assessments are able to more precisely mirror what employees will need to do once they’re hired. The overall experience is also more controlled and immersive than sending prospective high-quality candidates to potentially far-away and unfamiliar locations for testing.

Bring Your Post-offer Employee Testing Onsite with Fit For Work

Onsite post-offer testing through Fit For Work streamlines the pre-employment process for your HR/recruiting department and delivers improved communication and coordination from start to finish. We’re here to work closely with you on implementing a well-planned and efficient testing process to ensure you’re hiring the right employees who will succeed in their roles for years beyond the offer date.

Contact us today to learn more about crafting the perfect post-offer testing program for your organization – and then bring that process onsite to condense the hiring process and reduce turnover, injuries, and associated costs by 50%. Let’s get started.

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Work Injury Prevention